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Unleash Your Inner Biltong Hunter By Crafting Your Own Biltong Box.

Unleash Your Inner Biltong Hunter By Crafting Your Own Biltong Box.

Calling all Biltong Hunters! If you’re a fan of South African snacks like biltong and droëwors, you know that the store-bought versions can be good, but there’s something special about making your own. Plus, it’s easier than you might think! The only real challenge is finding the perfect way to dry your biltong. Sure, you could buy an expensive dehydrator, but why not save some bucks and create your very own biltong box? 

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to make a simple wooden biltong box that will have you crafting delicious biltong like a pro.

Step 1: Let’s Get Started with Your Basic Goal

The key to making mouthwatering biltong is to have a dedicated space where you can hang your meat and allow the air to work its magic. This airflow is crucial for the drying process. Imagine your biltong box as the secret lair where all the deliciousness happens!

F2H Biltong Hunting

Step 2: Building Your Wooden Biltong Box

Get ready to unleash your inner craftsman! Construct a wooden box that measures approximately 1 meter high, 60 cm wide, and 60 cm deep. Don’t forget to add a door on one side for easy access. This box will be the home for your biltong dreams.

Step 3: The Divider and Air Circulation

Inside your wooden box, place a wooden divider about 30 cm from the bottom. Make sure it’s high enough to accommodate the bulb we’ll be adding later. Now, let’s get some airflow going! Drill several holes, approximately 2 cm in diameter, along the sides of section A, in the divider, and in the roof of the box. This is where the magic happens.

Step 4: Hang it Up, Meat Lover!

It’s time to create the perfect hanging space for your biltong. Add around 7 wooden rods about 5 cm from the top, evenly spaced about 8 cm apart. These will serve as your meat hangers, so be sure to leave enough room for your juicy strips of biltong to dance freely. 

Step 5: Shedding Some Light on the Situation

Now, let there be light! Install a 100-watt bulb in the center of section A. The purpose of the bulb is to warm the air, which will rise and create airflow throughout your biltong box. Think of it as the sun shining on your biltong delights.

Step 6: Time to Hang Your Meaty Treasures

With your biltong box all set up, it’s time to hang your meat! Make sure each piece of biltong is securely attached to the rods, with enough space between them to avoid any unwanted contact. We recommend using plastic-coated paper clips as biltong hooks. Trust us, they work like a charm.

Step 7: Bonus Round: Fans for Extra Airflow

If you’re feeling adventurous, grab an electric fan or two. You can replace the bulb with the fans to increase airflow or use them as extraction fans in the roof of the box. Just remember, if you go this route, skip drilling holes in the fan’s vicinity.

Step 8: Customize Your Biltong Box

You’re almost there! Whether you choose wood or cardboard for your box, keep in mind that wood tends to be sturdier and longer lasting. Additionally, consider covering the holes in the box with insect netting to keep pesky bugs away from your biltong feast. Congratulations, Biltong Hunter! You’ve successfully built your very own biltong box, ready to dry those tasty strips of meat to perfection. 

In around 4-6 days (maybe a bit longer for droëwors), your biltong will be ready to savor. Just remember, each location and humidity level is unique, so you might need to adjust the setup to achieve optimal results. Now, go forth and embrace the art of biltong-making. Your homemade delicacy will impress friends and family, and you’ll become the ultimate Biltong Hunter, mastering the art of drying biltong like a pro.  For more information about Biltong marinade, spices and drying, please go read our Blog Article, “The Biltong Chronicles: Exploring the Wild Side of Deliciousness!”

Enjoy the process, and happy biltong hunting!

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The quantity of farms on the F2H platform are increasing on a daily basis, by next week you will even have more hunting opportunities to choose from. F2H is passionate about connecting South African farmers who offer affordable biltong hunting on their farms with South African hunters who are passionate about biltong hunting in South Africa. F2H (Farmer 2 Hunter) is a no commission, review web-based platform, that facilitates a mutually beneficial introduction of Farmers to like-minded Hunters.

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